A Dog's Life, A Woman's Story

My mother became suddenly ill and I took her to the hospital, Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend. I was there with her literally as much as possible and it was very difficult for my dogs to be alone for such long days. For weeks, they waited for her to enter the front door but sadly, she never did. I got permission to bring them for a visit to Roswell which made so many people smile that day!

After losing my mother there were days when I just wanted to stay in bed, but I got up to care for my dogs. They gave me a purpose, not to mention making me smile and laugh. They have an uncanny ability to know when I need a hug, or just their presence...I truly believe I would have lost it if I had been alone during this time. My dogs have definitely saved me and have been crucial to my mental health.

Meg, Maisey & Griff

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