Mentoring Sessions
I remember first starting my photography journey, before I even got into the business side of things. It was 2011. I would reach out to other photographers just to ask basic editing questions, advice, tips, etc. and I would be ghosted every time. Why? Why did no one want to help me?
I realized I was on my own. I was self taught from the get go and it made the road to get to where I am now, much longer, harder and a lot more time consuming. I had to learn from the ground up. From how to shoot in manual to learning about RAW vs JPEG, composing, lighting, editing, etc.
Then came the business side of things (insert mind being blown emoji). From websites, client management, payment gateways, contracts, workflows, social media, taxes, insurance....the list goes on and on.
BUT...I did it!
And now I want to help you. Whether you are struggling with a few things on the business side or you have questions about how to take better photos of animals, I consider myself an open book.
Let's sit down via zoom and figure out exactly what you're struggling with and come up with a plan to get you through to the other side.
—Me, when I first started
My area of expertise in the field is photographing pets and pets with their people. If you are not a pet photographer but are struggling with certain aspects of your business, I may still be able to help. Fill out the form below so we can talk and decide if this mentorship is right for you.
You'll fill out a questionnaire prior to our zoom call. This will allow you to let me know what you would like to tackle, any struggles you're having and what your goals are for your business. Then we will put together a plan for you to work on!
Cost: $250
Two, 1 hour zoom sessions allow us to tackle everything in the one hour session but then have a follow up Zoom to go over anything you may still be struggling with. Second session can be scheduled at any time within 3 months of the first session.
Cost: $450
Don't think 2 hours is enough? Four, 1 hour sessions spread out over the course of 1, 3, or 6 months might be more of what you need. Let's use the first session to make a plan and the following 3 sessions to be sure everything is running smoothly!
Cost: $900